Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 9th, 2013


In the new year I’ve decided to start a chronicle of our farm life.  It will be a way for me to keep track of what happened, when, and how.  Some days my memory is not as great as others.  So, here I am. 

As I sit in my office I love to look out the window, past the palm trees and succulents is grass.  In this grass currently are my two favorite pigs, Stella and Stanley.  I just gave them oranges, so they are feasting.  I have a routine just about every day --  I go into the orchards, get fruit, drop some off to Stella and Stanley, then go to the baby pen and give them the rest.  Then I go to the white sapote tree, get some of those, plus leaves, for the chickens.  That’s their afternoon treat.  I don’t know what they will do when college starts back up and I’m gone in the afternoons to teach, they will have afternoon treats on a slightly different schedule! 

The Australorps have been laying for a little over a week now, I’m quite happy with them.  I get either two or three eggs a day, not bad for six pubescent hens in January!  I’m currently working on a plan to get them tractors.  This will allow me to separate breeds and keep them safe from the coyotes and neighborhood dogs.  I had originally planned to let the chickens out during the days, but there are simply too many predators out here for my comfort. 

Here’s my tip of the day from the Vet visit yesterday—if your animals have dry skin (we were talking pigs) give them a teaspoon or so of oil every day or so.  Not too much, but this will give them the Vitamin E they need to avoid dry skin. 


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